Experimental investigation of the CHF and Post-CHF heat transfer, which will be coordinated by the LES.
► IATF/KIT: Investigation with R134a in a circular tube and a single-rod channel.
► LES/TUM: Investigation with H2O in two different circular tubes.
► IKE/University Stuttgart: Investigation with CO2 in two different circular tubes.
► The experimental Data will be used to build up a Database, which will include Data of the departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) and dryout phenomena as well as the Post-CHF.
Model development of the CHF and Post-CHF heat transfer as well as with the aid of the database, fluid-to-fluid scaling models, which will be coordinated by the IKE.
► IATF/KIT: Modelling of the Post-CHF heat transfer and the droplet size as well as the droplet velocity.
► LES/TUM: Modelling of the departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) heat transfer.
► IKE/University Stuttgart: Modelling of the dryout heat transfer.
► Development of fluid-to-fluid scaling models.
► Validation and assessment of the models.
Improvement of the thermohydraulic software ATHLET, which will be coordinated by the GRS.
► GRS will provide and evaluate the latest ATHLET-version.
► With the aid of GRS, the new models will be implemented in to the ATHLET software.
► Validation and assessment of the new models within the latest ATHLET version.
► GRS will do the final implementation of the models, the verification, the validation and documentation.
Coordination and management of the whole project, which will be coordinated by the IATF/KIT.
► Controlling the progress of the whole project, sub-projects and the milestones, as well as the education activities.
► Organisation of project meetings.
► Speaker and connection between the project and the public.
► Identification of problems and work out of the best possible solution.
Supervision of students and participation in courses and conferences.
► Supervision of bachelor & master students and responsibility for lectures.
► Participation in training courses of the Framatome professional school and multiphase courses.
► Participation in project discussions, in national and international conferences as well as in workshops, for example the Summer school.
► Research in partner- institutions and in international institutions.